8 Remote Working Tips For Beginners

Our passions lie in a few areas: travel, global understanding, and remote work. If you’re jumping into the latter for the first time, we’re here to give you a few tips from the experts.

As a fully distributed company ourselves, leading programs that allow people who work remotely to do so in cities worldwide, we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeves for remote work beginners.

  1. Over-communicate

The key to being successful in any professional role is communication, but when it comes to remote work, it is an even more critical asset. Since you’re no longer a few desks down from your coworkers or your manager, it’s your job to schedule 1:1 check-in meetings with them on a weekly basis to connect on your goals, upcoming projects, and daily tasks.

Make sure to advocate for yourself and clearly state the progress you’ve made in the past week, which goals you’ve surpassed, and which projects you’ve led. When you’re not in the office, it can be difficult for your manager to keep your work top-of-mind, so don’t be afraid to bring important milestones up on your own.

2. Invest in reliable tech

Any remote worker will tell you that access to consistent WiFi is integral to their success, but there’s more to a successful setup than an internet connection. Along with having the ability to make video calls without losing connection, you should consider what tools and tech you’ll need to do your job well. For example, many remote workers invest in a great pair of noise-cancelling headphones so that they can take their work anywhere – regardless of background noise levels. Others find that wireless keyboards and mouses, or even a second screen, are integral to their efficiency.

3. Lean on your community

One of the major myths surrounding remote work is that people who don’t work in a corporate office are lonely. To ensure that you’re feeling supported and connected to the “real world”, we recommend becoming a part of a remote community – either virtually or in-person at a local co-working space or collective. We’ve found that being surrounded by others who successfully work remotely inspires beginners to stay the course and remain productive while embracing location flexibility.

4. Consider your workspace

Set yourself up for success in a place where you can focus on the tasks at hand. Whether this means you find a great co-working space near you, stake out a local coffee shop or create a designated spot for work at home, make sure that you feel motivated by your environment and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

5. Figure out your working style

At the start of your remote work journey, it’s a great idea to figure out the environment that you need to work successfully. For example, do you like being surrounded by white noise? A café may be the best choice for you. Work well in silence? It might be time to invest in some noise-cancelling headphones. Other things to consider are whether you’re more productive in the morning or the evening and whether you’re motivated by taking small breaks throughout the day or a more extended midday respite. This is the beauty of remote work – getting to work during your best hours, whatever they may be.

6. Take time for self-care

When the line between “work” and “home” starts to blur, you might find yourself stuck to your computer screen for a more extended period (see next point). While that can sometimes be necessary when closing a significant deal or finalizing a critical presentation, give yourself time for, well, you. Commit to your fitness routine and make sure that you’re creating blocks in your schedule to eat healthy, nutritious meals so that you can be focused and productive when you need to be.

The benefits of remote work can stretch into your life outside of work as well. With increased flexibility, you can take time to make sure you’re not missing life’s important moments. As a remote worker, you can take care of your kids without worrying about leaving the office during standard business hours, you can decide to work from any location around the world, and you can even book that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off because it didn’t work with your schedule.

7. Know when to “log off.”

This can be one of the most challenging aspects for remote work beginners, as the world is becoming increasingly connected. Though you may receive emails and chat notifications at any hour (especially if you’re working in a different time zone than your coworkers), it’s essential to develop a habit of setting a time when you officially “log off” for the night. The best part of working remotely is having the flexibility to work when you are most productive, so be careful about setting the standard that you are available 24/7.

8. Embrace the perks of working remotely

Working remotely doesn’t just apply to those who work from home or in the same region as their company’s office. If it’s possible with your current position, take your talent on the road!

Now that you’re working remotely, life will look slightly different (and a little more awesome). However, if you rely on the eight tips that we’ve listed above, the transition from the freedom of a flexible work style will be smooth and successful.
