How to Work from Home Productively?

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the number of people working remotely is more than ever. As far as possible, employers encourage or demand people to work from home for an indefinite period. If you are new to the home-to-work lifestyle because of the coronavirus or because you have managed to get a remote job, you need to get some habits and motivation to make working from home a success.

Even though we have different personalities, but also face unique challenges because of our different lifestyles and the type of work we do, many of the core issues we face as remote employees are the same.

Everyone that works remotely needs to find out how to manage time, where to work, and how to create a boundary between work and personal life. What about office equipment, career advancement, and building relationships with colleagues? Working remotely requires solving these problems and others, especially when working from home most of the time for productive working. If you’re new to working remotely, these tips from the Omofis team can help you stay productive and maintain balance.

Here are 5 tips based on my experience and what I’ve learned from others, for maintaining a better and more productive remote working life.

1. Maintain Regular Working Hours

Set up a schedule and stick to it…most of the time. Having clear guidelines on when to work and when to call it a day helps many remote employees maintain work-life balance. However, one of the benefits of working remotely is flexibility and sometimes you need to extend your day or start early to adapt to someone else’s time zone. When you do, make sure you hug earlier than usual or get some sleep the next morning to make up for it.

2. Create a “Getting Started” Routine

What does the “getting started” routine indicate you’re about to start work? It might be making a cup of coffee and taking time to enjoy it before you start looking at your to-do list. It could be coming home after a run. It may be dressing up (wearing pajama pants to work is an advantage for some, but a bad strategy for others). A routine can be stronger than an hour, which helps you get started every day.

3. Create Your Own Private Office Space

This can be a room in the house or a part of the room. Reserve a desk and some peripherals for business use only. For example, when your laptop is connected to a monitor and external keyboard, run time. When you’re on your lap, it’s personal time.

4. Timing Breaks

Know and accept your company’s break policy. If you are self-employed, take short breaks during the day to get away from the computer screen and phone. One lunch hour and two 15-minute breaks seem to be standard for full-time workers.

5. End Your Day with a Routine

Just as you need to start your day with a routine, create a habit that signals the closing of the working day. A business messaging app, an evening dog walk or it could be a sign in a yoga class at 6 pm. It will do something as simple as turning off your computer and turning on a favorite podcast. Whatever you choose, do it continuously to mark the end of working hours.

Make it personal! Sometimes the answer is obvious, but other times you may need some inspiration from other people who are in the conditions. Above all else, figure out what works best for you. You can review Omofis tools that can support you to further simplify your working remotely process.